sobota 28. februára 2015

Marcelo objavuje skutočný svet | Francisco X. Stork + INTERVIEW!

Originálny názov: Marcelo in the real world
Autor: Francisco X. Stork
Počet strán: 288
Jazyk, v ktorom som čítala: slovenský
Hodnotenie: ★★
Tentokrát neostaneme iba pri recenzii - pripravila som si pre vás aj INTERVIEW priamo s autorom tejto skvelej knihy - Franciscom X. Storkom!

Marcelo Sandoval počuje hudbu, ktorú nikto iný počuť nemôže. Je to jeden z prejavov autistickej poruchy. No jeho otec tomu nikdy celkom neveril, ani hudbe, ani Marcelovej odlišnosti. Prinúti Marcela brigádovať cez leto v podateľni svojej právnickej firmy, aby ho zapojil do skutočného sveta. Tu Marcelo spoznáva Jasmine, ktorá ho učí rozumieť, čo je to súťaživosť, žiarlivosť, hnev i túžba. No až obrázok dievčaťa s polovicou tváre ho privedie do skutočného sveta plného trápenia, nespravodlivosti a naučí ho, ako s tým všetkým bojovať. Tento jedinečný príbeh je príbehom o láske, práve a nespravodlivosti, ale najmä oslavou hudby, ktorú počuje každý z nás vo svojom vnútri.

Marcelo Sandoval hears music no one else can hear--part of the autism-like impairment no doctor has been able to identify--and he's always attended a special school where his differences have been protected. But the summer after his junior year, his father demands that Marcelo work in his law firm's mailroom in order to experience "the real world."

He learns about competition and jealousy, anger and desire. But it's a picture he finds in a file -- a picture of a girl with half a face -- that truly connects him with the real world: its suffering, its injustice, and what he can do to fight.

Mnohí z vás už určite počuli pojem autizmus, ktorým trpia tisícky ľudí a detí vo svete. Kniha Marcelo objavuje skutočný svet mi ukázala, že ľudia s autictickou poruchou nemusia byť zlí a netreba sa im vyhýbať.
Táto kniha bola výnimočná. Skvelá. Marcelo bol sympatický mladý chalan, ktorý bol síce iný, ale autor nám skvele ukázal, že iný neznamená zlý. Práve naopak. Na začiatku knihy bol iba nevinný chlapec, ktorý chce stráviť leto brigádovaním a staraním sa o poníky v škole pre neobyčajné deti. Vedel by vám odrecitovať hociktorý výrok z Biblie, keby ste ho o to požiadali.
Avšak jeho život sa úplne zmení, keď mu otec oznámi, že musí pre jeho dobro brigádovať namiesto stajne v jeho právnickej firme, aby sa naučil 'pravidlám skutočného sveta'. Avšak, osud toto nevymyslel nadarmo. V podateľni, kde má Marcelo stráviť zvyšok leta, stratáva šarmantnú Jasmine. Sedemnásťročný Marcelo je pre ňu iba autisctický chlapec, ku ktorému sa treba správať opatrne a držať si odstup – no nakoniec si aj tak nájdu cestu k sebe.
Jediné, čo ma mrzí je, že autor nenapísal pokračovanie. Inak jeho skvelé dielo nemôžem ohodnotiť inak ako piatimi hviezdičkami a veriť, že sa Francisco Stork dostane k písaniu pokračovania. 

Many of you have probably heard the term autism suffered by thousands of people and children in the world. Book Marcelo in the real world showed me that autictic people may not be bad and should not be avoided. This book was outstanding. Amazing. Marcelo was a nice young boy who was indeed different, but the author has shown us, that different doesn’t mean bad. At the beginning of the book, he was just an innocent boy who wants to spend summer taking care of ponies at school for unusual children. He could recitate whichever quote from Bible, if you’d asked him.

However, his life changes completely when his father says that he has for his own good brigade instead of stables in law firm to learn to 'the rules of the real world'.

In mailroom, where Marcelo is going to spend his summer, he meets charming Jasmine. Seventeen year old Marcelo is only a autistic boy to which she has to behave carefully – but in the end, they will find their way to each other.

This book definitely belongs to ‘my favorites’ shelf on Goodreads and I can’t give it less than 5 stars from 5.

Tak a teraz k rozhovoru! Francisco Stork, autor knihy Marcelo objavuje skutočný svet a mnohých iných, sa narodil v roku 1953 v Mexiku. Jeho rodina sa však presťahovala do USA. Má manželku, dve dospelé deti a doteraz napísal 5 románov. Je to veľmi milý, príjemný človek a mala som šťastie ho trochu spoznať cez tých niekoľko emailov, čo sme si vymenili. Tak hor sa na rozhovor!

1. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? 
There’s no one message that I would like readers to grasp. Different readers will take different messages from the book. If there is anything I would like the reader to feel close with Marcelo, as they would with a friend, because he is such a good person.

2. What was the hardest part of writing your book?
The hardest part was “becoming” Marcelo and thinking like him and getting Francisco Stork out of the way.

3. Do you have any advice for young starting writers?
Only that being a writer takes lots of practice just like any other art. You wouldn’t expect someone to play Chopin the first time he sits at a piano but sometimes we expect to write a great book the first time we sit down to write. Write every day even if it’s just for fifteen minutes. Don’t worry too much about what you are writing. Just practice.

4. Do you ever experience writer's block?  Any tips to get over it?
Do you know how it feels when it is Sunday night and you have a schoolwork to do for school the next morning and you have to get up from the sofa where you are watching TV and go to your desk? You know how hard that is, right? It’s the same for me when I have to go to my desk to work on a novel. Once I get up and I start then sometimes it becomes easier but sometimes it is still hard. Writer’s block exists only if you decide not to get up from the sofa.

5. Are you planning to write another book about Marcelo?
I’m happy with the way Marcelo in the Real World ended. I can imagine what happens to Marcelo after the book ends. Can you? I think good things happen to him.

6. Have you always wanted to become a writer?
Yes, since I was around 7. But I really didn’t know what that entailed. There’s a difference between wanting to be a writer and wanting to write. In the first case you’re more interested in lots of people liking you and praising you etc., In the second, it is the telling of a story that really motivates you. I think I only started to want to write (as opposed to wanting to be a writer) when I was about forty-five.

7. How about creating your characters, e.g. Marcelo? How have you created him?

 Was it in a “J.K. Rowling’s way” – sitting in a café and BOOM, Marcelo was in your mind, just what he looks like?
I was writing a book about Aurora, Marcelo’s mother. In that story, Aurora’s son dies and a year later she discovers his journals. When I was writing about the journals, Marcelo’s voice came to me and I decided to write about him. His voice was very powerful.

8. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Getting off the sofa! (See No. 4 above).  Also the long period of time that it takes me to write a book. Marcelo took me three years. The book I’m finishing now that will come out in 2016 has taken me five years. Part of it is because I have a day job as a lawyer and I can write on weekends but part of it is the numerous revisions with my editor that we do on each book. It’s hard to have patience and keep the enthusiasm for a book during all that time.
9. Do you have any favorite life quote(s)?
“I shall do all I can to become useful”
-Vincent Van Gogh in a letter to his brother Theo.
10. Does the part of a book you are writing depend on your current mood?
No, I work from beginning of the story to the end without skipping ahead. I try not to let mood affect my ability to work. Work whatever the mood, if possible.

11. Does Marcelo have something in common with you? Are you similar to him in some ways?
I think we are both religious not so much in a “church” sense but in that we are interested in what mankind has said about God throughout time and in what is important in all religions, namely, the experience of something or someone greater than us.

12. Why do you write?
My way of being useful (See no. 9 above). Also, I’m very miserable when I don’t.

13. Do you write on a computer/dictate/typewriter…?
I write on a computer. Sometimes I write a passage longhand in my journal before I type it. Writing longhand allows me to express emotions better for some reason.

14. Do you sometimes read reviews on the Internet? (I’ve always wondered if writers do this)
No, I don’t read any reviews. Sometimes my editor will send me one from a newspaper or a journal, but I don’t read reviews on Goodreads or Amazon or people’s blogs. People have a right to say whatever they want to say about my books without worrying about the author.

15. Is there anything you would like to add that I haven’t included?
Only that this is a very nice interview and I’m very grateful for the people in Slovakia who have been kind of enough to read my books.

Francisco bol nielenže tak milý, že mi poskytol rozhovor, ale dokonca mi poslal aj podpísanú knihu, záložky a pár drobností. Thank you! 

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streda 25. februára 2015

Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe | B.A. Sáenz

Názov: Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Autor: Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Počet strán: 272
Jazyk: anglický
Moje hodnotenie: ★★★★★

Aristotle je nahnevaný teenager s bratom vo väzení. Dante je vševediaci chalan s neobyčajným pohľadom na svet. Keď sa títo dvaja stretnú na kúpalisku, vyzerá to, že nemajú nič spoločné. Ale keď dvaja samotári začnú spolu tráviť viac času, zistia, že medzi nimi vzniká špeciálne priateľstvo – také, čo mení život a trvá až do smrti. A práve vďaka tomuto priateľstvu sa Ari a Dante naučia pravdy o sebe a o ľuďoch, ktorými chcú byť.

“And it seemed to me that Dante's face was a map of the world. A world without any darkness.

Wow, a world without darkness. How beautiful was that?”

Táto kniha ma upútala už dávnejšie, narážala som na ňu na instagrame, na blogoch… Všade. Veľmi sa mi zapáčila obálka, ktorá je úplne úžasná. Veľa som od toho neočakávala, ale chcela som sa presvedčiť na vlastné oči. A viete čo? Urobila som dobre.
Príbeh sa odvíja v roku 1987 v Novom Mexiku. Táto kniha je niečím výnimočná; nie iba príbehom a postavami, ktoré sú mimochodom skvelo vytvorené. Na 272 stranách sú tisícky citátov, ktoré by ste si určili za životné mottá – keď budem robiť re-reading, určite si so sebou vezmem ceruzku a zápisník.
Na začiatku majú Ari a Dante 15 a na konci skoro 18. Ich priateľstvo je ukážkové. Chcela by som niekoho ako Dante, kto by mi požičiaval knihy, čítal básničky, kreslil ma… Takisto niekoho, ako je Ari. Dante a Ari sa dopĺňali, úplne k sebe pasovali. Dante bol ako slnko, Ari ako mesiac.
Mali dokonalý vzťah, priateľstvo, ktoré sa neskôr posunulo vyššie.

“Another secret of the universe: Sometimes pain was like a storm that came out of nowhere. The clearest summer could end in a downpour. Could end in lightning and thunder.” 

Keď som začala čítať, nemohla som knihu pustiť z ruky. Poznáte ten pocit, keď sa chcete smiať a plakať zároveň? Keď ste smutný a šťastný zároveň? Tak to bola kniha Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe.

Postavy boli skvelo vytvorené, každá z nich bola neuveriteľne prepracovaná. Okrem Ariho a Danteho tam boli často ich rodičia, ktorí boli skvelí. Ani nie príliš pozitívni, ani nie príliš negatívni, proste… Rodičia.

1. Dante – aj keď je Dante až druhá hlavná postava, úplne som si ho zamilovala. Ari ma sem-tam trochu rozčuľoval, ale Dante… Mexičan, čo nevyzerá ako mexičan, nepriaznivec topánok, umelec, odvážny, skvelý priateľ. No kto by takého nechcel?
2. Aristotle – Celým menom Angel Aristotle Mendoza. Má meno po filozofovi, preto čaká, že ostatní od neho očakávajú príliš a on ich nechce sklamať. Ari, ktorý má už mexickejšie črty, je introvert, nie veľmi pozitívny a celkom osamelý. Kvôli tomu má aj Danteho; aby mohli byť osamelí spolu.
3. Sam Quintana – Danteho otec bol skvelý. Úplne miloval Danteho a bral ho ako rovnocenného partnera. Presne si viem vybaviť jednu jeho vetu: “Nezáleží mi na vnúčatách. Záleží mi na Dantem.”

 “The summer sun was not meant for boys like me. Boys like me belonged to the rain.”

Takže to zhrňme: tejto úžasnej knihe dávam 5 hviezdičiek z 5 a vrelo vám odporúčam, aby ste si ju prečítali a spolu s Arim a Dantem objavili všetky tajomstvá vesmíru.

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